Tuesday, February 3, 2009

this is a rant. or I am so stupid. or I hate everything.

It is very difficult to find a roommate that you get along with. It is even more difficult to find a roommate that you are friends with and can live with harmoniously without the friendship taking advantage of certain situations. Well she is an awesome roommate. The best ever. I couldn't ask for a better person to live with. Consider this the only positive flow of information to be in this particular blog. Consider that a warning.

Fucking neighbors. I am an extremely introverted person as it is and you are only pushing me to upgrading to sociopath status. I have found a growing interest in large quantities of lye, bulk orders of twenty by twenty sheets of waterproof plastics and how to start my very own pig farm. No joke. Simply writing these things online makes me feel uneasy as I truly contemplate their deaths. Those last couple words made me smile.

I feel that over the years my karma has balanced out well enough. I am a good person and feel that my bad times have been paid out in full by me at some point in the past. Obviously this is not true. It is a false statement. It is the exact opposite of truth. In my past lives I can only assume I was Stalin, Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun and the Spice Girls.

Where to start?